Monday, April 19, 2010


I think the most important ideal through this semester is that we have to be connected with nature. I don't think that most people realize how far we've strayed away from it. I don't recall when I stopped taking walks outside or going hiking. It just slowly crept its way out of my life. I think now most people feel like they don't belong in nature. We gotten to the point where it customary to spend most of your day indoors. An individuals experience with nature shouldn't just be a trip to the beach once a month or skiing in the winter. We should all experience what our own neighborhood has to offer everyday. I myself have set up a schedule where I take my dogs for a walk a different way everday so that I see more of my neighborhood. I think most people don't realize what wonderful things they have within their own community. It's important to appreciate what you have and to use it to your full advantage. As all of our readings have indicated, you must experience outdoors not just talk about it.

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