Monday, April 19, 2010


In the course of speaking to my grandmother it is apparent that she has no idea what sustainability means. She is from a time when there was no recycling, global warming, and emission concerns. No, her generation has an inherant respect for the land. She moved to Florida when she was very young and most of the land here was rural farms. Her life revolved around being outdoors in the farm. She informed me that growing up her father killed their farm animals for food. To this day, she can't stand to eat meat. Again, our generation is disconnected from seeing where our food comes from. I think if more people actually witnessed animals being slaughtered they would feel the same way. But, it's how she grew up and how her made a living. She states she can't comprehend how children would rather play videogames instead of playing outside. I informed her that I've learned to have more respect for the land and realize that I am a part of nature not seperate from it. Of course, these are things that her generation already knew.

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