Saturday, January 16, 2010

Thoughts on the University Colloquium Class

I have to say that this class is more work intensive than I had expected. I figured that I would be required to write a few papers on the environment, go on a trip or two, and write a few posts. However, this does not appear to be the case. I never thought that I would have to create my own blog, do community service, or photograph my experiences. It appears that the unversity really does care that we're active in our environment and takes this class very seriously. I kind of like that it pushes me outside my comfort zones. As a buddhist, I have always been very aware of my impact on the environment and how animals are treated. I have been contemplating volunteering at an animal shelter forever but have never had the time. I feel like this class is going to force me to finally make the time to volunteer which is wonderful.

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