Monday, January 25, 2010

Religion and Environmentalism

For those that are interested in Buddhism, I would suggest that they check out this site for the Friends of the Western Buddhist Order. It is their belief that any effective Buddhist practice in today's world must include an ecological perspective that is fully integrated into our everyday lives. It's amazing that the below quote is from's sad that we've allow this to go on so long.

"We are being warned that certain natural resources are finite and that we are using them all up at an alarming rate; more often then not, not only using them up at an alarming rate but using them in a most wasteful fashion. So Buddhists, those who try to follow the Dharma, should be very aware of this and should try to use everything of natural origin very carefully indeed... The same principle applies to our use of the natural environment: we shouldn't destroy it or spoil it in any way, as, for instance, through pollution." (Nature, Man and Enlightenment, 1976)

If you're interested, I have posted the link below:

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